Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Home Sweet Home

All of you have been so generous. Tommy and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything. I feel very behind in sending notes of thanks out to all of you. However, please know that we appreciate all that you've done. We are getting back on track and hope to see all of you soon!

I woke up this morning and realized my brain surgery was exactly three months ago (Tuesday, April 14th). It has been quite a journey - one with many miracles and beautiful nuances along the way! Amazing gifts of humanity were bestowed on us through all of your love, prayers, food and support during such an unexpected and intense diagnosis. It's because of all of you that this was doable and I have thrived. Tommy and I truly cannot thank you enough for sticking with us through all of this!

Since returning home June 5th I have been resting and getting my energy back. I had no idea how tired radiation could make you! Coming home has been wonderful, don't get me wrong; however, it has also been a challenge trying to keep up with the normal pace of a healthy family household. I know it will come with time. All in all, it is going excellent. I had my follow up MRI and all was clear! (The brain tumor was completely resected - still a miracle that I never want to forget!). After a month off, I also started back on chemo (Temodar); only this time I just have to take it one week a month for 6 months or so. I am being closely monitored by a local Medical Oncologist with weekly lab work to insure my body is tolerating the monthly chemo. I am extremely blessed to be doing so well. Yes, I am mostly bald, however, in the spectrum of issues that could have happened, this is nothing. Each morning I wake up and point and flex my left foot and say "Thank you!" to God for Dr. Benham Badie! I am so grateful to be able to walk! Independence Day this year had a whole new meaning to me.

The picture to the left is of some flowers that had fallen off of a tree by our cottage at City of Hope...obviously they had some help from Tommy getting arranged into the word pattern you see spelling out HOPE. It was a beautiful message for me to see on my last day of radiation treatment out there. Tommy also mentioned that he hoped the teenage boy next door to us would see it on the way to his treatment that day. Its really a message for all of us to hold on to. No matter what is going on in your life - always keep hope alive and trust in God. There is always hope!
Sincerely, Bridget