Saturday, October 24, 2009

Return to the Nirvana of Normalcy

Several people have mentioned that we hadn't updated the blog recently and I understand that the lack of updates could be taken two ways. Let me assure you that Bridget continues to do great! She had her 6 month MRI a few weeks back and it came back all clear again!!! I cannot express the relief that came with that.

Our life has returned to a more normal routine with kids back in school, kids events, kids getting colds (and in Ben's case breaking a collar bone in soccer), work at the business ever present, and so on. Of course mixed in with that is Bridget continuing her chemo cycle of 1 week on, 3 weeks off and the physical and mental ups and downs that come with subjecting your body to chemo, but she, as always, is amazing in taking it all in stride and not letting it control her life. She has integrated all of this into her and our family's psyche in such a way, that it does seem at times to be just another part of the fabric of our life not unlike any of the other parts.

God is great! When you tap into the power of that love it is amazing what a sense of peace and calm you can experience despite everything that life can throw at you. In that way bad things that happen, things that we fear of happening and pray do not, can become the exact catalysts for experiencing God in a truly honest way. With your ego no longer in the way, suddenly there is God. I can see now why Jesus said (paraphrasing), unless you become as little children, you cannot come to be with God.

I want to tell anyone reading this how appreciative we all need to be of "normal every day life". That is where my mindset is at these days. Sweet, blessed normalcy! The stuff of every day life that we all too often take for granted and even despise, not realizing how much of a gift it really is. If we all just slow our minds down enough to finally be able to see the holiness, the true gift of our every day life; then all our lives would be transformed into a more fulfilling and thankful state of appreciation for things we so take for granted. Its hard to get into that state...prayer, meditation, (Bridget and I have been doing Qi Gong and Tai Chi while praying - wonderful stuff!), trying to put into practice an attitude of giving and acceptance in our daily lives, these are things that can help and that we are using to try to stay on this course of awakening and healing.

Thank you all for your continued prayers for Bridget and our family!


P.S. Picture was taken in August in Minocqua, WI.