Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wow, How Time Flies!

Tom here, I ran into someone we know from church last night that had prepared meals for our family last year (still so thankful to her and others that did this) and she asked how Bridget was doing. That same day someone else who I had not seen for a while mentioned the blog had not been updated and was wondering how Bridget is doing, so it made me think we should post an update. Little did I realize that it was last October since we last did so!

As you can imagine we were so humbly happy to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Easter, all of our family birthdays, and most recently Mother's Day all since the last post. What a very special day it was for us all to be together and celebrate the fact that Bridget is with us and recognize the outstanding Mom she is. The highlight of the day was a nice, long conversation we had with the kids that touched on many topics from thankfulness to spirituality to the importance of daily prayer, and taking one day at a time. We are thankful and greatful that our kids really seem to get it.

We took our first family ski trip out west for some spring skiiing in April at Beaver Creek, Colorado. We had a blast! Kids have been skiiing on our local Midwest slopes for years, so to get out on some actual mountains was a great experience. Bridget was so happy to be out skiing and keeping up after the thought that before her surgery, doctors had mentioned that she could experience some paralysis on her left side. She continues to wake up each day giving thanks for her ability to use her left side normally!

Bridget was honored last month by Envoy Medical for her part in the past with keeping her Dad's implantable hearing aid (now called the Esteem) going after her parents death in a car accident over 20 years ago. The device received FDA approval on St. Patrick's Day this year. Her Dad (and Mom) were appropriately recognized at the shareholders' meeting. Her brother Stuart, sisters Susie and Peggy were there as well to accept awards recognizing their Dad. The awards had harps on them in recognition of her Mom who was Irish and played the harp (FDA approval on St.Patrick's Day ties into that). At the meeting, we were able to meet patients who had the device implanted and hear first hand how it has completely changed their lives. The way they described how it worked completely echoed what her Dad said as to how it would work decades ago when it was just a concept. It was as if we could hear him speaking through them. He truly had great vision and we are still thrilled that this has come to fruition so it can change the lives of so many people in need of a better solution for hearing impairment. It also shows you how a life can continue to transform others in a positive way long after that life has ended on earth. Amazing.

Bridget is doing great and we continue to take one day at time. She continues to follow up with MRI's and will have another one at the end of May. We truly appreciate your thoughts and continued prayers. The Hanchette Family.