Thursday, June 18, 2009

Welcome Home Mom

Hey everybody! This is Adelyn and Gretchen speaking. We are sooo happy our mom is finally home. Mom and Dad got home at midnight on June 5 while I (Adelyn) was just getting home from my eighth grade trip to St. Louis, MO. Even the pets were happy to see mom return. My mom came home to a freshly painted bedroom, new curtains, bedspread, newly planted flowers, a garden, and a clean barn:) Thanks dad, for all your hard work and for getting everything ready for mom's homecoming.
My Mom is really happy to be home, and is enjoying the peace and quiet that is nothing like the bustling California. She's been resting a lot because she has been really tired. Yesterday she met with her new local medical oncologist, who she will be following up with monthly.
Now we're all just adjusting to having our mom tell us what to do again and getting everything back into order. We are all just so thankful she's home and now we are off to soccer and band practices. Talk to you soon!


  1. Hi! Reading your post brought tears to my eyes! I can't imagine what it was like for you kids to have your Mom gone so long - take care!

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  4. Hi to all!
    I am glad just knowing that you are home, but I kinda miss your whenever you are up to a new journal entry, know that some of us out in cyberland enjoy hearing from you! You looked FABULOUS at church, but I know that you were on a little chemo break then. I assume that the oral meds have started again, and hope that they ARE tolerated well. Do you feel up to Riverfest this weekend? I hope to get down there early and stake out a place to watch the RCB if you are there and want a place to sit! Let the kids wait on YOU for a change...! And you know where I am, when they get tired of being on duty!!
    Love, Vicki
