Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Malibu to the Rescue!

As I count down the days before I will be departing City of Hope I was lucky enough to be visited by my neice (and Goddaughter) Jacque Schaefer. Jacque just finished her first year at UW-Madison and plans to pursue something medically related for her career. I think her visit here helped her see what a few options in healthcare could be and possibly helped her narrow her choices. It is so important for all of us to discuss with the younger generation what their passions and dreams are - for this will effect the future of our world!

I wish I could explain the surreal world in which I have been living! The California weather is great and there are beautiful blossoms everywhere, yet there are times when I've never felt more sad. I've become so acutely aware of each person I come in contact with - what they may be struggling with, or how they are feeling. I guess it's just a compassion that you develop when you've been knocked around a bit! I always thought I had it - the ability to connect and have compassion for others - but it has been intensified dramatically. Each human is doing the best THEY can do. So, don't get frustrated with slow drivers, slow talkers, or teenagers that don't know what direction they're going. Instead, ask them how you can help them. It's truly refreshing! YOU have the ability to make a difference in this world!

Jacque and I found ourselves at a very authentic Greek restaurant one day while visiting Malibu Beach area for some fresh ocean air. We sat out on a patio and enjoyed the atmosphere. It's so nice when friends and family have arrived here and distracted me from all of this. As you can probably see from this photo, I'm feeling pretty tired in these last few weeks of radiation. Of course, this is to be expected. I have continued to get great lab results and through your prayers and support I have found the strength to get myself to walk over to the clinic daily for these treatments. I am completely dependant on God's intercession and truly could not do this without all of you! Thank you to each and everyone of you for the prayers, cards and for those of you who have helped support our kids while I've been gone. All of this has made my time away tolerable.

Gratefully yours,



  1. Have to disagree with you on the, "I look pretty tired". I think you look beautiful. Love, Sally Ann

  2. Okay, I should probably be doing something work-related right now, but that stuff can wait. It has been absolutely beautiful back here at home. Unfortunatly the weather doesn't look great for your return trip, but it will be back to sunny Wisconsin in no time!

    Your pictures make me smile every time I see them! It was great that Gretchen and Jacque were both able to get out there to see you. You are an inspiration to us all that after all of the treatment you are still able to get out, enjoy life and put that smile on your face. Amazing.

    Enjoy your night out there with Tom tonight. Go to the beach. Watch the sunset. Break open a bottle of wine (are you able to do that?!?). Don't worry about anything here at home. Just focus on YOU!

    We miss you!
