Saturday, October 9, 2010

Life goes on~ Hurray!

Hi Everyone!
It's been a great summer and now we are well into fall! It is amazing how time flies! Tommy and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary yesterday. It was a beautiful warm day. We went horseback riding and out to dinner. Perfect! I haven't been horseback riding for about 2 years so it was quite an accomplishment. I rode Chief - 25 year old reliable!

I had another clear MRI at the beginning of September! It's hard to express how thankful we are for this gift of life. I feel like the tension on my "line of life" has been reeled out a bit...I'm free to enjoy the fall and upcoming holiday season. It is truly amazing as I know a lot of people with this diagnosis do not do this well. I am grateful. My next MRI is scheduled for January 2011.

Enjoy each day ~ whether things are in order or not ~just enjoy!
Love & Blessings to all,

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