Sunday, February 20, 2011

A New Year Full of Hope!

Hello to any of my friends who may check in! Time management has never been one of my strengths - so I'm sorry so much time has gone by without updating this. I was contemplating how to "end" this blog. I'm not sure blogs ever end- maybe it's just a conversation that gets picked up where you left off the last time you visited your friend. I'm not sure. However, I don't want this to end on a low note, so I thought I would just post a few quick comments:

This photo was taken January 12, 2011. Tommy and I attended the PPAI (Promotional Products Association International) Show and Awards Banquet in Las Vegas, NV. Our company was nominated for an outstanding advertising campaign that won three awards: Silver, Gold and Best of Best. A wonderful honor to be there with Tommy to accept the awards and celebrate!

We are enjoying life to it's fullest - the kids are all in new phases as the time keeps ticking: Ben - turning 18 next month, Adelyn - 16 and driving, and Gretchen - going to be a teenager in two months. We are so blessed to have such awesome kids. Each of them are truly gifts from God.

Our business is keeping Tommy very busy and I continue to support our team with our Workplace Wellness program. I am feeling great and had another clear MRI at the beginning of January! This is nothing to take for granted and I am continually reminded of that as I see many less fortunate than me. I sometimes struggle with the fact that I'm doing so well and others are dying from the exact diagnosis. My heart breaks for their families & friends dealing with their loss. I have always been an extremely optimistic person, sometime to a fault - thinking anything is possible as long as you keep your chin up! I know that when we're faced with challenges we can always depend on God to show us the way. That is the greatest gift of pain - that it turns us towards God again, who will provide true happiness. I'm trying to wholeheartedly accept God's gift of time here on earth - I asked and I received! I am here to see my kids grow and to see my husband excel both in business and at home with his love of dogs. I am here to serve and to make a difference!

I have prayed for the Holy Spirit to show me a way to give back as I feel a great need to serve as words just aren't sufficient to say thank you enough for the gift I've received. I will never forget accepting the fact that my brain surgery could leave me paralyzed on my left side. I woke up from surgery and the first thing I did was look down at my left foot - point & flex - and smile and give thanks to God for leading me to Dr. Badie & City of Hope for a successful surgery! Earlier this month I heard God's voice chanting "Walkabout, Walkabout, Walkabout" kept on coming to the top of my mind. It sounds really far fetched, but it's true. I was curious - so I looked it up on Google and was led to The Walkabout Foundation. This is my new mission! I will be starting a midwest chapter for The Walkabout Foundation. Their mission is to provide wheelchairs to those that need them (for various reasons due to paralysis, etc). When you have time to look into this here is the website: Our first event will be kicked off (one step at a time) with a walk in honor of my brother, Timmy, who depended on his wheelchair at the end of his life. Timmy died last year a few days after his 53rd birthday. His birthday was February our event will be taking a one mile "Walk for Timmy" on his birthday. This is just a start to many other events. Remember to be thankful for your ability for mobility. It's nothing to take for granted!

My surgery has almost been two years ago now which sometimes makes me wonder why I'm still talking about it! I'm looking forward to April 14, 2011 (which is also Gretchen's 13th birthday!) as another milestone and I look forward to what the future holds!

Love & God's blessings,


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