Friday, May 29, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend!

It feels like it's been a long journey out here in "sunny California"! I'm ready to face the chilly spring weather of Wisconsin! I was so fortunate that my sister, Peggy, did a return trip out here to visit over the holiday weekend along with our daughter, Gretchen (age 11). This was really refreshing to see them! Gretchen skipping around looking for geckos, hopping on the "musical tiles" in the rose garden and we explored the San Gabriel Mountains (Memorial Day)! Looking for a picnic spot was a little challenging, however, we really enjoyed the change in scenery. Peggy was the brave reliable driver going up the mountain road...we made it to two dams which were beautiful, however, the surrounding landscape was very desert-like. Not really a place where you would spread out your picnic blanket. So we backed up the Tahoe and enjoyed our picnic from there. We also found a few friends along the way - see Peggy with Mark Twain in downtown Monrovia, CA!

All in all things are going well. I'm just marching on through the prescribed treatments...knowing that God is protecting me and that I will get through this one day at a time. Psalm 23 comes to mind frequently this week. As much incredible support as all of you have provided, there are still those lonely moments when you need to lean on your faith as your guide. It is very comforting to know that I'm never alone - my prayers for a miracle have been answered! I'm walking a thin line between resting and strengthening. It's really amazing to me how resilient the human body is. Truly a miraculous work of God.

As I walk along the City of Hope "campus" buildings everyday - most of them have signs that read "Research" of some sort going on. I'm so very curious and would like to learn more while I'm here, however, I guess now that I only have one week left, it's not quite enough time for an internship! I am so interested about what studies are going on and what he future holds for cancer treatments. However, for now, I'm back to focusing on healing and strengthening so I can return to my real life in Wisconsin June 5th (this is also my final day of radiation)! Many have said that the radiation is cumulative and that I will be tired for a few weeks after this. I'm okay with that - just imagine, I could have been paralyzed! I never want to forget the miracle that occurred. So many miracles in such a short span of time.
I can't tell you how much all of your support and prayers have made a difference! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Sincerely, Bridget


  1. Geez. I turn my back on you guys for ONE second and look what happens?

    Seriously. Bridget, Lora and I got in sort of late in this story, but it doesn't mean we are not praying for you and wishing you the best. In fact, I saw Tom tonight at 5:00 mass and though he looked a little tired, he looked happy and excited that you would soon be home.

    We know it wasn't your intent, but your whole experience has been an inspiration and will be for years to come.

    We are thinking of you. Hurry home.

    The Carboni Family
    Kevin, Lora and Rachel

  2. Hi B, so happy you'll be HOME soon ! you're in my heart and mind every day !! i love you for being who you are and all that you've been through !
    LOVE YA Lisa :}

  3. You look great, Bridget! Sure am loking forward to seeing you sometime soon!
    Take care and get your strength back - praying for you daily-
    Love, Anne

  4. Hi Bridget!
    So happy for you and your family that you will be coming home soon! You did it!! I feel so blessed to have you as a friend. I know I have said this before, but you are such a strong and amazing person. Many thoughts and prayers go out to you every day! See you soon!!

  5. Yay for Bridget!! The home stretch is here!!! Can't wait to come for a visit to your "real" home in WI. I LOVE those musical tiles at City of Gretchen played them well. I want some for my garden! :) Healing love and hugs to you my friend!!

