Friday, May 8, 2009

Cinco De Mayo Harp Concert

Harp music and Cinco De Mayo - seemed like an unlikely combination for some reason. Since everything seems a little unbelievable recently, why not? On May 5th, there was a Harp Concert offered in the Helford Hospital lobby. Sally and I attended the concert by Alfredo Rolando Ortiz (Renowned South American Harpist). Yes, as you know, I grew up in a home listening to harp music everyday...soothing angelic "Magic Fountain" music being played by my Irish mom, Marilyn. This harp concert completely opened my eyes to the Paraguayan harp. Alfredo - thank you for educating me!! I feel very naive that I didn't know Spanish harps and musical styles were developed throughout South America and Mexico. Completely different style and flavor than what I have experienced in listening to the harp. It is something to experience...check out this harp music - AMAZING!

The City of Hope continues to be an amazing journey of healing. I truly feel like I'm being cared for by the best of the best in every area of my medical care... This past week was a big week...starting the oral chemotherapy, continuing daily radiation treatments, getting my stitches out (May 6th), etc. I feel like I'm getting into the thick of it is a daily routine now to organize medications, making sure you're following "Doctor's Orders" (which there are many) and somehow keeping sane. As expected, my hair is falling out on the right side (where they radiate daily) and the radiation has made my incision very irritated on that side...therefore, I really didn't get all of the stitches out...just half of them for now. I will see Dr. Badie and one of his PA's, Roger, on Wednesday to finish the task. All in all it is going well and I continue to thank God for my skilled surgeon each morning I wake up to see that my left foot is working well! I don't ever want to take that for granted. There are so many patients at City of Hope facing serious illness and I pray for them as I know we all have our own cross to bear. I pray that each of us has a close connection with God and that we all remember to pray constantly.

"If God be for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)."

And as I ponder...I think, WOW, this really happened...I flew to CA and had the entire tumor removed...did a clinical trial and now I'm proceeding with the standard gold treatment with Temodar/radiation. I am so blessed to be here for this treatment plan with the best surgeon, best radiation oncologist and best medical oncologist...not to mention all of the other compassionate team members: nurses, radiation techs, etc. Yes, the daily radiation treatments are getting a bit mundane (and there are waves of fatigue/sadness) however, I want to get through the course of treatment so I can know that I've done everything possible to beat this. Along with all of this "clinical" treatment I have been lifted up and protected by all of your prayers. Please continue to pray for my energy to get through this chemo/radiation phase!

Friday night cousin Sally passed the baton on to my sister, Peggy. Sally was an amazing caregiver...not only medically speaking (Sally had some great PT suggestions for strengthening), but also just brightening my spirits. She even taught me how to knit. Don't laugh, it's harder than you think! .It's "official" now that Peggy has full responsibility of the one key to the cottage, one key to the Enterprise Tahoe and her bag is on the famous luggage rack. Funny ~ Tommy purchased a brand new luggage rack from a local hotel here so our caregivers would have a place to put their suitcase in this small cottage. We've always wanted one of those for our guest room at home.
On a lighter note, I was asked by the Marketing and Communications Department to help out with a promo video they are putting together to promote The City of Hope. They have a Yoga class (for patients and caregivers) that I have started participating in (gently/modified version) that was part of the shoot...then there was another shoot that featured the doctor/patient relationship. Dr. Badie and I were filmed having a conversation in a hospital walkway. It was a whole new experience to me. Quite a crew, Directors, cameramen, sound specialist, etc. (I think Dr. Badie has done this before...what was that movie you mentioned you were in?). I wish I had more photos to share, but the camera ran out of batteries. Maybe the Marketing and Communications department will forward a few shots to me or we will see the video when it's all done!

Anyways, it certainly is an honor to be asked to help promote such an oasis of healing and care. City of Hope is immersed with hope. As one brick bench sign reads : There Is Always Hope. Please never forget that no matter what you're facing. All of you, my friends, family and even strangers have given me hope. Thank you so much for your continued love and prayers!

The hardest part of this is being away from home and kids - Great job keeping focused on school and sports kids! As hard as this is, I know I came to the right place! We'll get through this. and will be stronger in the day at a time.

Gratefully yours,


P.S. Happy Mother's Day weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Bea!!
    I see you found the camera...ha!! There is a fraise I keep hearing from all of us, that I feel sums it all up, "THAT'S REALLY SOMETHING!" I'm here for you, your, Sally
