Monday, May 4, 2009

May Is Here!

May is here - Spring has arrived! I've always looked forward to the month of May - buds on the trees, birds returning, the Kentucky Derby (always the first weekend in May), the excitement that Summer is around the corner!

This May has had all of this plus more...I was so happy to turn the calendar page to May this year...knowing that it meant one step closer to finishing my California medical stay. Don't get me wrong, my medical care has been superb and obviously I've had so much support from family and friends that it almost looks like I'm on some kind of vacation in California (site seeing daily, etc.). I really cannot explain how comforting it has been to have all of your prayers and support. As you know, Tommy was here the first two weeks, then my brother Stuart flew the kids out and stayed with me for a week. Stuart was quite the tour guide...I just buckled myself in the Tahoe and put my feet up. The California freeway is crazy...Stuart even suggested that maybe I should wear a helmet as we drive around! Ha! We safely made it to many exciting destinations after my daily radiation treatments. We just monitored my energy level and slowly made our way around. Some of the great destinations included: Hollywood, Rodeo Drive, Venice Beach, Malibu (lunch at Duke's), Santa Monica, Huntington Library Garden and the Pasadena Rose Bowl. really does sound like a vacation, doesn't it? I guess I just want to input little reality here...Stuart attended the longest Drs. appt. ever reviewing the Clinical Study, what the next step is for the chemo/radiation, what to expect for side effects, etc. He took detailed notes on medication dosages, etc. Thank you Stuart, for walking with me daily to my radiation treatments, for just being was just so amazing that you could actually take a full week to be with your sister during this crazy time. I'll never forget it!

So, taking the experimental drug for the clinical trial is over and now (starting today) I'm moving on to the next phase - the oral chemo medication and continuing to do the daily radiation treatments. It's a real milestone. I actually started taking the chemo medication on Saturday as instructed. I thought it would be a good "test" to see how I tolerated it as it can cause some people to feel very sick (I learned quickly that it is a good idea to take Zofran...the anti-nausea drug). About 1/2 hour after taking the Temodar (chemo) I felt seasick...yuck, that's the worst. I didn't actually get sick (thankfully). Thank goodness, my next caregiver had arrived. cousin! Sally took one look at me and ran to the nearest vending machine to purchase a Sprite...I ran to the medicine cabinet and took the Zofran. We got through it! Now I know just to take the Zofran & then the chemo...all of this has to be done on an empty hour before radiation. So, this morning, I have followed this routine and we're about to walk to the radiation appointment. I guess I felt like I had to add some reality to this's really not a "vacation" out here even though the sites and wonderful distractions have been the silver lining in this stay.

Sally and I ventured out on Sunday to Old Town Pasadena (see us in front of Pasadena City Hall) and really enjoyed the atmosphere. It was a beautiful sunny day and Sally was an excellent driver on the California freeway. Of course, I wouldn't expect that she would have any trouble - Sally and her husband, Bob, spend their winters in Florida and navigate their way around the channels/ocean in Ft., I'm in good hands once again with my caregiver. Sally has also been brave enough to clean my incision twice a day which is key right now as the right side is irritated from the daily radiation.

Each morning I wake up and move my left leg/foot, touch each finger to my thumb and say a prayer of thanksgiving to God - I can do this! I will continue to march through this treatment! I know all of this would not be possible without Divine Intervention and all of your continued prayers. Thank you! Love to all, Bridget


  1. I continue to follow your excellent progress with great interest and appreciated your 5/4 post - it gave me a good indication of the battle that you're fighting. We continue to pray for you and your family and look forward to your return home and full recovery.

  2. Happy Cinco de Mayo Bridget! I just finished reading your posting from yesterday. I think about you every day and wonder how you're doing. Thanks for keeping everyone posted on your progress. You are amazing!!
    Love and prayers, Barb

  3. Hi Bridget and Sally...It was great to read the update on Monday and see the photos. I hope you are continuing to feel ok from this new phase of chemo - I am praying for that. Keep those spirits up and let me know how the knitting is going. love and hugs..Krissy

  4. HI Bridget, So happy to hear you are doing okay with all the treatments you are going through. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily! Your attitude is so uplifting for all of us. We wish you well as you enter this new phase on your road to wellness!!!

    With love, The Lenselinks!!

  5. Hi, Bridget!
    Wishing you the best in this new phase of treatment and praying for you (and Tom and the kids) - your blog is great, both you and Tom have the gift of writing!
    Hang in there and God bless!
    Love, Anne

  6. Heyyy Briget,
    If Gretchen is wondering if there's anyone cool in her A/A next year..... I know there's at least one..... ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. Happy Mothers Day Bridget. We just found out about your blog. We are so glad to hear things are going well for you. We think about you, Tom and the kids often, and will continue to pray for your recovery. Tom, remember, we are available if you need any help around home.
    Dave and Jerrilyn
