Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day - 2009

Happy Mother's Day! I was so lucky to spend the day with my sister, Peggy. Here we are in Pasadena once again (the car seems to like driving that way). We're in front of the City of Pasadena's Auditorium. We had a very relaxing/rejuvinating Mother's Day. We really laughed a lot and enjoyed each others company.
I received a special Mother's Day package from the kids & Tommy. We also took some time to do Skype (online video) it was really special. Thanks for all of the artistic cards, kids!


  1. You are looking great, Bridget!! :-) So glad you had a good Mom's Day. Hard to believe it is mid-May already!
    Take care!
    Thinking of you and praying often!
    Love, Anne

  2. Hi to Bridget and her Merry Band of Caregivers!
    I MUST apologize for my faux pas...on CaringBridge, the followers receive a system-driven message once a new entry is posted to the blog of interest. Since I signed up as a follower here (you have a nice group of people in that category!!), I just kept checking my emails to see if there was word from out west. I certainly didn't want to bother Tom at work, and I am never sure of where my SON is, so he is kind of hard to track down, too! So I continued sending my prayers for you to heaven, hoping that they would fall on benevolent ears...apparently they ARE helping! Can you say, "Miracle and Alleluia"???? Anyway, I have been thinking of you all day, so I decided to go back to your site, to sneak a peek again at the Discovery Cove family pics...IS there a nicer looking family ANYWHERE on the face of this earth?? I digress...! And what do I find on the site?? Several nice, long updates, and LOTS AND LOTS of good news!
    I had written the first paragraph and by some miracle I had saved it....then, in my sleepy stupor, I hit the CLOSE DOWN key, for absolutely NO REASON. I panicked, for I had written several pages of commentary, and in one stroke, I lost it all, except for the first paragraph. I guess that I had managed to save that one since I have done that same bonehead move one time before, and again, I had lost pages of brilliant rhetoric, I am sure!! (Like that elusive big fish that got away, my writings are MUCH better in my mind than in reality! So now I have to try to remember those topics that are now lost somewhere in cyberspace!

    I am in awe at the efforts of Stuart, your sister and your cousin…how lucky you are to have such dedicated companions and tour guides! I was in LA once for business when I worked at IBM, and the only site that I got to see was the LaBrea tar pits, since they were across the street from my hotel on Wilshire. Chris and I spent a couple days in San Francisco, but I was HUGELY pregnant with Ryan, so I spend most of the time searching out good maternity shops in the most romantic city in the country! I know that California has a lot to offer, and I am glad that you feel well enough to get into the car and explore the area a little.

    And now you are starring in a film??? Will there be a red carpet premiere?? We better work on getting you a dress…maybe a one-shoulder number. And even though ALL women worry about the hair loss , take some comfort in the knowledge that Hayley’s hair came back TWICE as thick and gorgeous! In the meantime, hats are great until you finally realize that no one really cares about your balding head. The people who matter really only care about YOU, so wear that half-naked head with pride, like a badge of honor. You are the best looking patient OUT there, I bet, and that is why they asked you to be in their promotional materials. Maybe they will need to order some branded materials, too…I happen to know of a company that specializes in branding and promotional items!

    I am GLAD that you share some of the less pleasant facts about your treatment…otherwise the whole office would be out there, wanting to have the same kind of fun that you are having!! Anyone who has been touched by cancer ( RUN-OVER by cancer?? Blind-sighted by cancer??) knows that there is NO PART of it that anyone should want to CHOOSE it. But you are handling this challenge with such grace and humor…what a great example you are for your kids…for your employees…for all of us. THANK YOU for your blog and for letting us travel with you a little. I look forward to seeing you in Mass again…to hugging you and to HELPING YOU once you are home.

    I am going to wrap this up before I lose it AGAIN!!!

  3. Bridget:) I am so glad things continue to go so well. Girls had a soccer game this weekend and I saw Gretchen running on the field and can't get over what a mini-Bridget she is.....Bet your excited to get will be here before you know it!! I think of you daily and continue to pray for your recovery dear!! I miss you..hurry home!!! XOXO Tish
