Friday, May 22, 2009

Counting Down!

Hello my Friends! It was another week of getting through Dr. appointments, labs, daily radiation, etc...but I have to say that I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. My sister, Susie stayed with me last week and she did a great job at keeping me positive and realizing that I only have less than 10 more radiation we're counting down! I think Susie was hoping to see more movie stars - that was the only disappointment. However, we did have a surprise visit from our brother, Stuart! How crazy - he had a meeting in Las Vegas and decided to drive over, take us out to dinner and then drive back for his meeting! The photo shows us in the Rose Garden with a "musical tile chime". Very unique and challenging.

Susie and I tried to take advantage of any moment we could when I had a decent energy level. We explored the neighboring cities and found the quaint old downtown areas with unique shops and restaurants. We were also lucky enough to visit the famous Huntington Library Garden. Very lush and beautiful beyond description!

In contrast, I've had my moments of wondering if I was human anymore - truly a weird sensation when you have a feeling that your body is an object in an experiment rather than just being yourself. I think the first wave of that feeling came over me when I opened the medicine cabinet and wondered "who are those for"? I've always been someone who just took an occasional multivitamin! I just keep taking the medicine as prescribed (thank God I have a pill organizer to keep track of this stuff!) Reality hits when you start losing your hair and then you have each set of doctors/nurses gazing at your incision giving advice on how to heal. It's all somewhat surreal. Even so, I'm happy to part of the trusted "experiment" here at City of Hope. My experience has been filled with amazingly gifted and compassionate physicians and other healthcare providers. I really can't emphasize how I truly know I came to the right place for my treatment!

I think Jaclyn Carey and Susie had the toughest job as caregivers out here. It's hard when the person you're caring for just feels tired - even the question of "what can I make you for lunch" isn't well received. It's just an overwhelming feeling of fatigue. I know this is only temporary. I am determined to march on -thanks to all of you - my family and friends who have provided SO much support through prayers, words and cards. All of your love is strengthening me. It is God's love working through you. I have never felt afraid or alone. Words are insufficient at expressing my gratitude!

Thank you for your continued love and support!


  1. Hi B, HA! A little confused when I saw the photo of you with Susie & Stuart. What a nice surprise and a dear brother! Everytime I touch the cross on my necklace, (which is often, b/c it's always turning)I say a pray for you. Your an inspiration to all of us. Will look forward to seeing you soon. Love you....

  2. So glad to hear that your time in California is almost done! It will be so nice to have you get home again and be with your family! Know that God is always with you and watching over you every step of the way!


  3. Great to here from you Bridget. You will be home SOON!
    Know that I keep praying for you and your family - keep hanging on to the fact that God is Good and He is with you through all this!

  4. I love you Bridget and can't wait to see you back at home! Hang in there. - Melanie

  5. Hi! Just saw some news 19 footage from the West Salem Relay for Life. Way to go! You both looked FANTASTIC! Good things happen!
    Love, Vicki
