Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day After Surgery

Tom here late at night reflecting and trying to get my mind around what has gone on here. I woke up this morning and went jogging in the sunlight to burn off some of the nervous energy that had did that do the trick. With flowers and blooms everywhere, I couldn't help but have the Genesis story reverberate in my was so nicely told at the Easter Vigil Mass we attended with family and our parish last Saturday evening before flying out here the next day on Easter. Also called Bridget's sister Susie and put her on speaker phone in the midst of the run to lead a prayer of thanksgiving. It was very special and it is a special time to be going through all of this with the hopefulness we are reminded of at and during the continuing Easter season.

Upon arrival at the ICU, the nurses told me Bridget was doing laps around the halls, she had already eaten breakfast when I entered the room and there she was with that look of wonderment and thankfulness that has been on her face ever since I first saw her after surgery. Bottom line is that last night was no fluke...she is doing AMAZINGLY well. She doesn't even have a scratchy throat or voice from being intubated....kudos to to her anesthesiologist, Dr. Chang who took good care of her as she was being operated on yesterday. Two of my brothers have been here since the surgery and they have been an immense source of support during these last few days. Thank you Billy and Steve!

Later in the day Dr. Badie tracked us down in a waiting area overlooking the mountains (Yes, Bridget was on another walk about the place)....he wanted to go over the results of the postsurgery MRI that Bridget had done just an hour or two before. This new MRI confirms that the tumor was fully removed! Proof positive. This puts Bridget in a much better position for even better results with the rest of her treatment and is the BEST POSSIBLE result we could have hoped for from this surgery especially when combined with the fact that the surgery did not result in any sort of paralysis. She was given the okay to check out of the ICU after only one night and it appears she may be getting released from the hospital entirely Thursday after just having had major brain surgery on Tuesday! She will be back to our cool cottage on the grounds here.

We are so humbly thankful, words cannot express. We are in a place where lots of people come with hope in their hearts and resiliency of spirit. You see it on display everywhere here...from bald children pushing IV racks while they walk outside to get fresh air to people in ICU beds of all ages and sizes. There is a spirit of shared experience here that is holy. I walked down a long hallway before leaving the hospital tonight. A beautiful African-American woman was walking beside me...the small talk led to introductions (Jenna)...her telling me she was here for two months while her daughter (Carmen) recovered from a bone marrow transplant for which this wonderful mother was the donor. I hugged her and told her how awesome she is and told her I would pray for them. Please include them in your prayers as well. She asked what I was doing here and that led to her promising to pray for Bridget and family. She said something about how we are all connected here....again back to that shared experience that I can only describe as holy.

It made me think of something earlier in the morning when a dignified, quiet, oriental woman quietly cleaned the floor in Bridget's room. I had just asked Bridget if she was okay with seeing my two brothers who wanted to say hi to her. Her reply was a forceful "Of course! I'm not worried what I look like, I'm just so glad to be alive!" She continued, "I'm happy for this moment and I have no ego." To that the tiny, focused woman cleaning the floor quickly glanced up with a piercingly gleeful look in her eyes. She nodded her head over and over and with a heavy Chinese accent laughingly said in broken English, "yes, yes, live in moment, no ego" and then continued to clean and quietly laugh as though confirming that Bridget had said something quite profound......and she had.


  1. Oh! B! How funny, doing laps around the hospital!! GO BRIDGET!! Love you, Sally

  2. Bridget, sure sounds like you and your family are prepared to turn this entire journey into an even deeper connection to your faith. I have also been thinking of the "Easter" relationship to the timing of all of this. There is no stopping one of God's agents! Tommy-keep up the incredibly insightful writing...there is clearly a story to be told here. Love to you both-Jaclyn

  3. I am so happy that things are going so well for you. You are definitely an inspiration to everyone! Good luck with the next few days!
    Amy, Ryan Born's sister

  4. I don't have the ability to express my feelings, but believe me I am soooooooo happy.
    Love and Hugs,

  5. We are SO excited and elated that everything is going so well! We love your spirit, Bridget and you are both so inspirational and a true testament to the power of Christ and a positive attitude. Andrew and I are thrilled and are basking in the enormity of answered prayer. God is so good, and your family is developing a testimony that will spread and affect many more than you can ever imagine. What a gift. We love you both and will keep the prayers coming!! Bridget, you better watch out, Andrew's going to sign you up for the YMCA triathlon if you're not careful! Ha!
    Love, Jamie

  6. I just finished reading the most amazing and wonderful news! I am so very thankful for how well you are doing. Bridget, you truly are inspiring. Thinking of you as I sit here Thursday morning with my coffee.
    Sending both of you my love and prayers,

  7. Bridget, Unbelievable news that the tumor is gone!! Proof positive the power of prayers and faith. Stay strong and lots of love being sent your way. Tommy thank you for keeping us informed through this blog. Your writing and comments are beautiful. What a support you are for Bridget.

    Love, Peggy, David, Brandon and Katelyn

  8. Tom & Briget - here I sit with at work with tears rolling down my face as I read your up-date. There aren't words to express the goodness of God, His faithfulness. I just pray that this will touch others hearts who need Him..
    My church has had your family on their prayer chain and I will continue to pray for all of you...God bless,
    Love, Anne

  9. Okay, I've been trying to post a comment every day since you got this site up and going so hopefully today will work!!! :) I am so excited to hear that the surgery was such a huge success!!! You have all been in my thoughts and prayers every day as I pray for the good Lord to have everything be a huge success. Obviously all of the prayers heading your way have been heard by Him and He worked His magical powers! Wishing Bridget the quickest recovery possible so that you can be home with your family again soon! Thank you for doing this site!! May God bless you and keep you strong and know that you all are always in my thoughts and prayers!

  10. Another day of great news!! We are all so thankfull that things are going so well!! Continue to take in the beauty and inspiration that surrounds you and know you will continue to be surrounded by prayer and good thoughts from home as well!

    Love to you all!

    the Lenselinks

  11. i'm beside myself with the news of how well you are doing Bridget !! ours prayers continue for you & everyone at the city of hope !tommy you should become a writer, your words come out so expressive and tangeable.
    Hi to bill & steve also !! :)
    love lisa

  12. Hi Mom and Dad! I was just reading the blog and thought I should add something. I love you both so much and am so proud of you. Dad, you were right God did help us through this and it will stick with me for the rest of my life. Thank you so much God! I love you both so much and can't wait to fly out and see you in two weeks! Love, Adelyn

  13. Hi Tommy, Thank you for the voice mail last night,I truly appreciat your effort, the Joy in your voice brought a great sence of peace and rivers of tears as did reading this blog. You are quite the word smith Tommy. Please give sweet Bridget a hug for me. The 2 of you are the best role models for your 3 special children.
    Love & God's Blessings Annie
