Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Successful Surgery!!!

Tom here again with the best possible news we could have hoped for...Bridget's surgery went great! Thank you God, thank you each and everyone for your prayers, and HUGE thank you to Dr. Badie and all of Bridget's other care givers during this journey! Special thanks to our good friend Dr. Greg Hartig for directing us to Dr. Badie and City of Hope (so appropriately named!).

Dr. Badie informed me that he was able to resect the tumor and he also injected the virus for the clinical trial that has many compelling potential benefits. I have only seen Bridget briefly in the recovery room, but with what she termed a "turbin" on her head and in a strong and very cute drugged up voice she immediately said, "Hey, I've got something to show you!" and she proceeded to hold up her left hand and touch the tips of each finger to her thumb showing that neurologically she had full function of her left hand and arm (tumor was on the right side of brain and that controls motor function on the left side of body). Dr. Badie had mentioned prior to surgery that the only thing he thought Bridget may experience could have been an initial effect to her left foot that may require a brace to help hold her foot up when walking for a while, but she also kicked off the covers to show me that all her toes wiggled and her ankle moved her foot up and down just fine. We looked at each other in thankful amazement and laughed out loud while crying happy tears! We couldn't have asked for a better result from this surgery! We are so, so thankful.

Next stop is ICU for a few days, and then regular medical floor for a few days before returning to our cool cottage on the premises here. She will be taking Acyclovir for 14 days as part of the virus clinical trial to try to kill off remaining tumor cells that take up the virus that was injected into her brain (it is also postulated that this virus approach could make the cells more suseptible to radiation). As soon as she gets clearance, she will begin radiation treatments and be taking a standard oral chemotherapeutic agent that is very well tolerated, both over the course of the next six weeks.
The above picture was just taken on Friday by our good friend (and very talented photographer) Heather Sysimaki. Not only did she quickly take many awesome pictures, but somehow managed to provide us with a beautiful photo album to take with us to California for Bridget to look at all the time while she recovers. Bridget has said many times that the toughest part of
this for her is being away from our kids, so this really helps. Thank you Heather.
Thank you to everyone for the meals for our kids especially now our Roncalli Newman Church members who are now providing meals for our kids while we are away. Thank you, thank you, each and everyone of you, many of whom we have never met for all of your support and prayers during this. Words cannot express our appreciation. Please continue your prayers as Bridget continues to show us all how challenges such as this can be handled with grace, unshakable faith, and continued concern and giving for others even as she faces this personal challenge. I knew she was amazing when I married her, but she has really taken it to another level here. I am in awe of her optimistism, strength, peacefulness, and connectedness with God and the eternal.


  1. It is with tears in my eyes that I read your post Tom. Praise God for the successful surgery! You are all in our thoughts and prayers! We will continue to send good wishes and thoughts to you in California over the coming days and weeks! Thank you for keeping us updated. Love to Bridget!!

    The Lenselinks

  2. ALRIGHT !!!!!!!!
    you are awesome bridget !!
    DR. you are a gift from god !!
    love you guys ...lisa

  3. This is the news we have all been praying for. Thank you Tom for keeping us updated. We will continue sending you our love and prayers in the days and weeks ahead!
    Big hugs to both of you!!

    Love, Barb

  4. Have not heard this in awhile but, "do you belive in miracles?" we do!!! We are so thankful for you and this great news. We are all thinking about you and praying for your quick return. Love you and miss you. J,J, L and B

  5. I'm very joyful about this excellent outcome! ... Prayers will continue for a speedy recovery and complete remission! Sending you much love.

  6. Hi Uncle Tommy, Aunt Bridget and cousins! I am so glad to read the good news. We're rooting for you here in Seattle. Tell Aunt Bridget that she is still one of my favorite aunts and that I remember her always playing with my hair before she had her own girl's hair to braid! Love you all very much. -Dana H.

  7. This made my day:) Bridget, you never cease to amaze me!! I had goosebumps when I read how well everything went...We are praying for you hon.....keep up all the good work!!Thanks so much for the update Tom! XOXOX Tish!

  8. We are so happy and encouraged to hear such good news. Bridget and Tom you were in our morning prayers before work, and you will continue to be there.
    Craig and Cheri Chapman

  9. I have had good energy about this fromt he start and I am happy to hear that all has gone well. This fork in the road, I'm sure has been inspirational and I look forward to the day we can sit down and chat. I'm grateful that God put you in my life to teach me to have grace, srength and above all connectness to the eternal.
    Much Love,

  10. Bridget and Tommy,

    How inspiring you both are in showing all of us the power of faith. God Bless you. You are so strong and our prayers are always with you.

    Our Love,

    The Dahlers
