Saturday, April 11, 2009

Heading to California

Hi this is Tom writing. We set up a blog to try to keep people informed (Thanks Ryan!).
The pictures are from our blissful family vacation to Florida this past week. That's Bridget receiving a boat bumper that reads "Happy Birthday Bridget" from one the dolphins at Discovery Cove...she was very surprised and overwhelmed with joy at the experience.
We're off to California on Sunday, April 12th. Check out Bridget's surgeon:

Monday is full of all day appointments for preop workups, meeting with specialists, learning about the clinical trial:
As well as new MRI's, CAT scans in preparation for the surgery.
Bridget should be in surgery first thing in the morning on Tuesday.
Thank you and keep up the prayers, they are working!
Tom & Bridget.


  1. Hi Tommy, Bridget & Kids, It's me Sally Ann!! The blog is a perfect idea. GREAT photo. Will pass the address on. Love you!

  2. Hi Bridget! It was so great talking with you just now. I gave Liz this address and she will check it out. Great idea and beautiful pics!! Just like my dream.
    Thinking about all of you!
    Love and prayers to all!

    Barb, Brian and kids

  3. Good Morning Bridget and Tom!
    My prayers and thoughts are with each of you today and every tomorrow! Tom, setting up this blog was an awesome idea! Feel "His" presence with each of you today!
    George C

  4. What a beautiful photo of your family! That is a treasure! Best wishes to you all on this journey. My thoughts and prayers for your family, and especially dear Bridget.
    Love, Stacey

  5. Hello, there!
    Just thinking about you guys...
    The pictures are beautiful!
    Love and prayers,


  6. Thank you for providing us with this opportunity to keep informed. Your family photo is beautiful. You are all in my prayers daily. Sending love and prayers your way, Janet Kent and family

  7. Hi,
    Great idea and awesome photos. No messing around on taking care of business and enjoying the abundance that God has given us on this planet earth! Thank you for keeping me in the loop. Much love and bright light!

  8. Hello,
    I wish you the best, and I'm thinking of all of you. I send you all my love and prayers,

  9. Hi Bridget and the blog idea! Some amazing photos, that was so nice of your family to get you a dolphin for your birthday! Will he get along okay with the other Hanchette pets, and where will you keep him? :)

    Hugs and love to you Bridget. Our prayers are with you each and every day-multiple times. Love Jaclyn and family

  10. Bridget:) I am so happy you had this set up so I can keep track of You:) I am thinking and praying for you!! Stay strong..Keep turning your face to the sun and lets those shadows follow! The girls are going to hang with Gretchen this Saturday..they are sooo excited! We Love You....Prayers to you in California....XOX TISH

  11. Hi bridget & tommy & everybody,
    love ya Lisa

  12. Non-stop prayers and love coming your way from all the Roaches and many, many people in Madison!



  13. Bridget, fabulous news! The Boston contingency is stomping on the bleachers cheering for you. Now we are going up to the roof deck and facing the left coast to do a sky rocket for you and the family Hanchette. Love Jim, Matt and neighbors.

  14. We are so thankful for everyones positive thoughts and prayers ~ So generous!
    Thank you!
    Bridget, stay strong and safe ~ We love you.

  15. Bridget, We are so glad to hear the great news. You are in our thoughts and prayers. You are an amazing women and someone I truly admire. Keep up the fighting spirit! We love you.

  16. Heyyy!!!!
    There's your big Woo-Hoo from your DI team!!!

  17. Hi - Hope you all had a fun and special day together. Hope the girls gave you a big hug from me! Lean on your big brother and make him wait on you!! Love you - Krissy

  18. Hello Bridget~I am sending you lot's of love and good wishes from Atlanta. You have always been so beautiful and strong. Please know that you are in my prayers many times each day. With Love~Kathy Brown(Stanley!)
