Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We're Here!

We are at City of Hope, Bridget's surgeon and the rest of the medical team are fantastic! The grounds are beautiful with the San Gabriel Mountains in the background and seemingly every type of tree, shrub and plant flowering in the springtime air filling it with fragrance! Bridget is now in surgery...we are humbly confident and feel God's grace surrounding us constantly. Thank you for the prayers and please keep them going! Will update as soon as I can. Tom


  1. Although we are miles apart, there are many people there with you both in spirit! Love the new family picture! Bridget, you look radiant! Love, Dee

  2. I love both of you so much. I'm holding you up in my thoughts and prayers and I know you are gonna be just fine

    much love - dan kunkler

  3. Sending both of you our love and prayers and thinking of you at this very moment.

    Love, Barb

  4. I have a candle lit for you as I'm working here at home. I love you guys so much and am "praying ceaselessly" for you today.

  5. Thinking of you and praying for your family!

    Love, Anne

  6. You are in our constant thoughts and prayers! Your grace and confidence is inspiring. Will be anxiously awaiting the good news that all went well!

    The Berghefer's

  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you all!!! My prayers are also with the entire medical staff as they care for you Bridget!!!

  8. Our best wishes and prayers go out to you. You have a great many who care for you deeply and wish you all the best. Your an inspiration to us all! Please keep us posted.

    The Meyer Family

  9. We have the confidence that He hears all our prayers--and He has our prayers for you.

    "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Rom 15:13

    Bill & Cathy Knott

  10. Dear Bridget, Tom and family... you are in all our prayers and will continue to be. I will send your blog to our friends prayer chain people. Our sincere love to you

  11. Bridget and Tommy, It is so great to read about the success of today's surgery!!! God is looking down on both of you. Prayers and thoughts are always with you. Love to you.
    Love Lucy
